Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nothing Says Thanksgiving like....

Golden Corral!

Yes, we went to Golden Corral for Thanksgiving, but don't feel bad for us. Whenever we tell people where we went we hear, "ah, you could have had Thanksgiving with us!" We had a great time, we all got to eat whatever we wanted, and the best part, no cooking and no clean up. The downside, no leftovers. Mason eating pizza

Reece eating pizza
Maya eating, you guessed it... pizza
Our kids would have nothing to do with the traditional Thanksgiving items. Michael tried some yams and I tried some cornbread stuffing, they were not up to par. So, we stuck with steak, chicken, pot roast, shrimp, salad, fruit etc.

Afterwards we went to see Bolt in 3D, it was fantastic. We had a great time, the kids are still quoting the movie. Michael and I loved that it was in 3D, it made it so much fun.


megan said...

mmm...pizza. that looks better than the VERY strange concoction i've got cooking...i really shouldn't make up dinners so often. and i'm glad bolt was good...we are planning that one for christmas eve.

Kathy said...

that pizza looks SO good. Mmmmm.

Jan said...

I thought the food was yucky! Well..except the rolls. They were amazing. I never did try the pot roast and I really wanted to. I just had this huge let down... ahhhh

Holly said...

Sounds like fun!

Julianna said...

Sounds like the perfect Thanksgiving to me! I suggested Golden Corral for next year, but didn't seem to have any takers! As long as we have pie leftovers I'm good!!

k.m. said...

leftovers are over rated! :)

Kevin Pratt said...

We went to Luby's so we're right there with ya. It was great...I'd have to say one of the best Thanksgivings ever. The food was only so-so, but the day was much more relaxing. We'll have to go see the movie.

Alison said...

That's awesome! We had dinner by ourselves and much preferred to do our own thing. Don't tell anyone, but we didn't even have mashed potatoes or potatoes of any kind - Jeff will probably be banned from Idaho for life. :)

Unknown said...

I'm so glad we weren't the only untraditional ones. I can't believe you Risenmay's didn't even have potatoes! Wasn't the potato Jeff's High School Mascot?

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