Thursday, February 21, 2008

Got Apolo?

Apparently I was unaware at how popular Apolo Ohno actually is. I noticed that my readership went up by 200% the day I posted my last article, there is a website dedicated to Apolo sightings, who'd a thought? Someone put the a link to my blog on that website saying that I had a "great little story" about running with him that "suggests it was recently".


megan said...

Wow, who knew? If I started one of those "middle-aged women who are crazy over famous men" fan sites it would be about Johnny Depp. Of course, that would be after the one I made for my husband Mike...

Kathy said...

HA megan - good one. but i'm with her - johnny depp for sure over this apolo guy. i didn't even know who you were talking about until you mentioned the dancing with the stars thing. meh - not my type.

Nora Mair said...

Go readership!

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