Cue the limbo music for the limboing snowman. Reece built this guy
(originally anatomically correct, we quickly made him 'fix' it, but not before some of the neighbors got a good laugh out of it). Seriously, how long can a snowman last like this? It has been at least a week.
LOL! Everytime we drive past it we laugh... first it was the wilting carrot nose, now its the leaning snowman! SO FUNNY!
that is hilarious. yeah - our snowmen usually hang in limbo for only a few days - that seems like a long time. . . .
Just how anatomically correct are we talking?
Let's just say the carrot was in a different spot, and by looking at it's chest, you could tell it was 'really cold'.
Good thing he didn't have access to the carrot in Megan's blog (from a few posts back)....!!:)
Very creative!
that is really funny. can you believe how much snow we are getting!
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