Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Cameron!

23 things about my brother Cam who is turning 23

23. He went on a mission to Italy
22. He got 'dear johned' on that mission with a wedding announcement
21. He is now a newlywed
20. He played the drums in a 'sweet' band in high school

19. I used to call him Charlie Horse

18. He liked wearing his speedo when he was on swim team
17. He ran cross country like his big sis
16. He played lacrosse like his big sis
15. He loves his big sister marisa
14. He is the youngest of 5 kids

13. He is an uncle to 4
12. He planned a huge party while his parents were out of the country, "Camapalooza"
11. He is the only child of the 5 siblings not to get caught sneaking out of the upstairs windows, and climbing down the bricks.
10. He is an Eagle Scout

9. He was escorted home by the police on Sunday with his church group for throwing water balloons at cars
8. While at a concert, his car had a cement block thrown through the window, his spare change was stolen.
7. He drove his car through a puddle that was too deep and blew the engine, after his mom warned him not to
6. Him and his friends went canoing they brought the 3 canoes home and stored them in my parents pool
5. He likes to wear girl jeans
4. He knew everything about the womans body before he entered high school. He had 2 great teachers for sisters.

3. My sister and I liked to dress him up like a girl
2. He almost bit all the way through his tongue when he was like 3, the next day he was eating potato chips and pretzels, OUCH!
1. He ROCKS!


Kathy said...

HA HA HA on #9!!!!! i can't believe he's 23! I think the last time i saw him he was like 12!

Cameron said...

thanks mar.. all true except i NEVER snuck out.. i wasn't caught cause i never did it... cause i didn't have to.. my box of freedom was as big as kingwood i guess? you rock too big sis who i followed the footsteps of.

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