Saturday, December 22, 2007

Our Christmas you.

Yes, I was lazy and just used pictures I already had for our Christmas picture this year!

Dear Family and Friends, December 2007

It has been a great year for our family. Here are a few things that have happened this year.

Michael started a new job with a company called Investools. He is an investment coach and is teaching people about the stock market and trading. He enjoys his job and has learned a lot of trading strategies over the past year. He has also received his license to do home appraisals. We are hoping to get an appraisal business going this next year. Michael was also called to be a High Priest last month and is serving as the 2nd assistant in the High Priest Group Leadership.

I enjoy being a mom! I like to organize little playgroups and outings during the day. That way I get to play with my friends while the kids get to play with their friends. My kids are wonderful and bring so much joy to my life. This has been a busy year for my photography business. This fall I had to turn away some business, it is really hard to turn down money, but I only want to be working a few hours each day. I am also shooting weddings and doing some edit work for another photographer. I am currently serving as the 2nd Councilor (Enrichment) in the Relief Society Presidency.

Reece is 7 this year and is in 2nd grade. He is doing well in school and really enjoys math. He played soccer this year and did really well. He finally got the concept of the game this year. After scoring a goal, it added a whole lot of excitement to the game. Reece entered the Reflections Art Contest. He was one of 5 to win in the photography category. His entry will now be judged at a higher level. Reece is such a fun kid with a great sense of humor. He is so responsible and just great to have around.

Maya is 4 this year. She was scheduled to go to preschool, but at the last second the teacher let us know she was pregnant and would not be doing preschool. I have set up 2 different playgroups for her so she can get the socialization she would be missing. We also are doing what we call “Maya School”. It is basically a 30 min lesson to teach her the things she needs to know for kindergarten. Maya is little social butterfly and wants to be doing something with her friends every second of the day. We are lucky to live in a neighborhood with tons of kids, so a friend is never far away.

Mason just turned 2 and almost overnight went from being permanently attached to me, to being Mr. Independent. Almost every sentence includes, “Mine do it”. Meaning, I’ll do it. I love the liberation! Mason is such a sweet boy and the kids just love him. Luckily my kids are all friends and enjoy being together. Currently they each have their own rooms, but chose to sleep in the same room, thank goodness for bunk beds!

We have adopted some pet chickens. They seriously are the best pets! They are easy to feed and they don’t need much in terms of housing. The best part is that we get eggs everyday. We get enough that we don’t buy eggs anymore and still can give some away.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Love the Johnson’s

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

So glad I'm not the only one not sending these out via mail! Fun to read about your kids a bit more than the daily mischief. When did Mason turn 2? I guess I didn't realize he and Noah were that close in age...

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