Tuesday, February 24, 2009

FaceBook In Reality


Kristi said...

That was awesome!

Jamie said...


m. said...

i love that clip. i have been meaning to post it as well. so true!

Stephanie said...

that was SOOOOO hilarious.

Kathy said...

VERY true, and VERY hilarious! i love that.

RightHahn said...

how perfect is that? good one...

Elle said...

hahaha, nice!

Holly said...

This is hilarious. I guess its a good thing I don't have a sordid past (at least not with photographic evidence). I didn't even think about that!

BTO said...

i still don't have facebook... this is cam... and the main reason is because of how much time kids at school waste in class doing nothing on it. and then a bunch of my friends tell me when they get home, they spend a good couple hours on it. REALLY? this video helps me stay away a bit longer!

BTO said...

i still don't have facebook... this is cam... and the main reason is because of how much time kids at school waste in class doing nothing on it. and then a bunch of my friends tell me when they get home, they spend a good couple hours on it. REALLY? this video helps me stay away a bit longer!

BTO said...

i still don't have facebook... this is cam... and the main reason is because of how much time kids at school waste in class doing nothing on it. and then a bunch of my friends tell me when they get home, they spend a good couple hours on it. REALLY? this video helps me stay away a bit longer!

BTO said...

i still don't have facebook... this is cam... and the main reason is because of how much time kids at school waste in class doing nothing on it. and then a bunch of my friends tell me when they get home, they spend a good couple hours on it. REALLY? this video helps me stay away a bit longer!

Unknown said...

I think facebook is overrated. At first I was addicted, but then I just got sick of checking up on a bunch of people I either didn't care about, or people that live in my neighborhood. If I want to know what my neighbors are up to, I want to talk to them and have a real conversation.

It is really fun to connect with long lost friends that you genuinely still care about and wonder how they are doing or what they have been up to.

Dan and Dee said...

LOVED the truth of this clip. I am amazed at the "stuff" people put out there and how much time can be wasted on facaebook. I have caught up with past h.s. friends so that's fun, but I prefer blogs...

By the way...you look so gorgeous-AND you are pregnant! Good for you for taking such good care of yourself Marisa!

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