Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our Newest Edition

Introducing Rodrick.....Isn't he adorable? There is just something genetically ingrained inside me, that I get a new pet every time I'm pregnant. Yes that is somewhat of an announcement if you caught it.

Michael was sweet enough to get me a bunny for my birthday, I have wanted one for the last 2 years.
He is really good with the kids, they love to chase him around and play with him, and he loves getting out of his cage. But, when he is with me, he just lays on my chest and lets me pet him. I hope it stays that way!


Shannon said...

CONGRATS! That is super awesome! The bunny is cute too! When are you due? How are you feeling? I am really excited for you!

Alison said...

Congrats Marisa! The bunny is way cute. I love looking at all your pictures - you're an amazing photographer.

Elle said...

aw cute!!! we had little dwarf bunnies growing up and they're so much fun!! i'm sorry about the name thing, but you could still be having a boy! i hope so cause then i won't feel as bad! haha

Christy said...

Congratulations! I am feeling a little bit left out in this ward. I keep hoping it's catching! I love the bunny. He is super cute!

RightHahn said...

AAAAaaaaaahhhhh!! That's awesome news - congratulations to you and Michael! I hope you're feeling well...and I can't wait to hear all about your upcoming addition:)

Oh yeah...and the bunny is cute too...

Amber said...

I'm glad I wasn't the last to know, even if Jake knew before me ;)

Jade said...

CONGRATULATIONS! So exciting -the bunny and the baby.

stressedkris said...

Congrats!!! I am always the last to know since moving out of the ward I am so very far behind. I am glad I moved if it was something catching or in the water of that ward. The bunny is cute too!!!

megan said...

He is sooo sweet - he truly looks like he is made of velvet. And I am that same weird way when I'm pregnant. Always dying for a new pet and hating the animal after the baby is here.

Holly said...

Congratulations! Woo Woo!

Amy said...

Just don't let him get too close to your face, he might scratch! He is very cute. Johnson's Farm is getting bigger.

Kathy said...

WAHOO and congrats on the pregnancy! are you sick at all? when are you due???

your bunny is SO adorable. we had a bunny that looked like that when i was little. memories :)

Stephanie said...

congratulations! i'm so glad i have my mom as a connection cause i had to call HER to get more details... :)

Dan and Dee said...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !
So happy for you!
Just think if
How many children are you going to have? You could always move to the country, which I think you would love anyway!

Unknown said...

Dee, I definately want to move to the country, or at least a little less suburbia.

Unknown said...

What an adorable addition...and SUPER excited for you to have ANOTHER one soon. Can't wait to hear all the deets. Hope you are feeling well. Congrats.

Syphus Family said...

Congrats!! The bunny is cute too...

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