Michael worked on the chair rail today for me, but now I can't decide if I like it pink up top or green up top. I'm liking the green, but I wonder if I will like the pink better.
With th help of photoshop, I painted the top pink. I just can't decide.
i kinda like the green on top. good job! it looks cute!
I vote pink.
Lea votes for pink and I like the green. Totally helpful I know. :)
I don't know if I believe it, but Blaine's sister, who was studying interior design for a while, said that too much pink in a room makes people sick, or feel sick or nauseous or something. So I say green!
Green, it balances all the pink. Too much pink is pepto bismol.
i like the pink.
I vote for green too!
Whichever one is less owrk.
green. it ties in the curtains.
That is adorable! I love the green!!
My vote is for green!
Love the green!
I definately love the green !!!
i vote green to! I like the change up!
definitely green for contrast, and like Stephanie said it ties in the curtains.
Pink...I like it pink.
4 greens for us!
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