Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I just love this picture. My sister-in-law Julianna bought Maya these glasses last time she was out here visiting. When I saw them, I remembered that my little brother Cameron had glasses really similar, and as you can see, they are similar.

Monday, June 25, 2007


We took a "Butt Trip" to the ghost town Eureka. A "butt trip" is defined as, Butt Trip: A journey or voyage made by car, bus or van between a home and an unremarkable landmark or destination. Trips
may include travel to see a giant radio antena, cabins that have fallen in on themselves, and most recently to a ghost town called
Eureka, which isn't a ghost town after all. The purpose of a butt trip is to convince your children that they like to stay home and
be 'bored', thus they will stop complaining about their boredom.

So, we stopped at a gas station and asked where the Ghost Town Eureka was. The lady at the counter got very defensive and replied that Eureka is not a ghost town at all. It is a booming city of about 200 residents, they had great abandoned buildings, all a great backdrop for photographs. I will post a few of the pictures, we went mid afternoon, and the lighting was very harsh, and the kids didn't quite see my "vision". Basically, they didn't want mom to take more pictures of them.
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